fredag 13 februari 2009

Street Fighter IV Recension!

Street Fighter IV recension från

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Overall Score 9.3 - Outstanding

Generally well-polished and clean, with PS3 and 360 versions performing almost identically. Anime cutscenes, however, are a joke and should have been replaced with in-engine storytelling.

This is a sharp, elegant and sublimely well-animated affair. I'm still amazed at how fireballs look in this game.

Plenty of slick tunes to complement the fighting, with a sweet J-pop song serving as the main theme. IGN predicts sweaty techno raves wherever the game is played.

Street Fighter IV is a brilliant step for the franchise as it -- in most cases -- returns to the roots of the series. As with many fighting games, gameplay gets deeper with practice.

Lasting Appeal
A veritable horde of unlockables keeps single-player sessions constantly rewarding. Playing against like-minded Street Fighter junkies will keep the game relevant for years.

1 kommentar:

A sa...

FAN! jag kommer facking hoppa av skolan när det kommer känns det som...det e inte bra asså...or is it? hahahahahh:D:D:D